Weekly News
Welcome Back to School PCK students, staff, and families!
It was a joy receiving our parents and students for Open House last week. Since then, we have welcomed all grades and students back to school, and classes are now in full swing. Kids are excited to be back in school, parents are delighted that kids are back in school, and we are thrilled to have our community back.
The Back to School dates are listed below:
August 23th
1st and 2nd grade 4:30pm - 5:30pm
5th and 6th grade 5:00pm - 6:00pm
August 24th
3rd and 4th grade 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
August 30th
Middle School 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
We hope that you will be able to join us to visit with your children's teachers and learn about the expectations and activities planned for the year.
Douglas County Bond and Mill Levy
We have an important election coming up in November. This year, voters will be asked to pass a bond and mill levy to benefit the Douglas County School District. As a public school authorized by DCSD, our school, students, and teachers stand to benefit greatly if these measures are passed. The mill levy will be marked specifically to benefit teacher salaries. Our students and the PCK community will win by ensuring we can keep our excellent teachers and staff. The bond measure will secure that we, as an older building and charter, will be able to provide continuous maintenance and improvement in our buildings. Please use this link to the DCSD Bond and Mill Levy page if you would like more information about this important election.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in the coming days and we are so excited for a wonderful year here at PCK.
Middle School listening to the Vice Principals discuss expectations
2nd Graders ready for a new year!
3rd - 5th Graders hear about daily expectations
Fund Run 2022
A Message from the PCK Foundation
In just 4 weeks, the PCK Foundation will kick off our Parker Core Knowledge Fund Run 2022 on August 22nd! Our goal is to raise $50,000 for the PCK playground project. We also hope to strengthen our school community. Our school has always relied on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning. And this year is no different, which means we need your continued support for our amazing school.
We completely understand if your family is not in a position to financially support the school right now. You can still be involved by simply SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and extended family online at https://mybooster.com/ .
Sharing IS supporting!
All students will participate in the Parker Core Knowledge Fund Run 2022, regardless of financial participation. We are grateful for our Parker Core Knowledge family! More details to come as we get closer to kickoff!
Key dates to remember:
Donating opens on - 8/22 https://mybooster.com/
Kickoff Assembly- 8/23
Event Day – 9/9
Thank you to our generous sponsors!!
Sad to see summer go?
Join us for some ice cream, and help raise money for PCK!
Kindergarten's Day Off!
Kinder students (ONLY) will have the day off on Friday, September 16th, for DIBELS testing. Never fear, though, because PCK's Core Care Club will be here to save the day! Full-day care for kindergartners who have DIBELS testing, is available. Snacks will be provided, but not lunch. If your kinder student will be staying past 4:00 pm for regular aftercare, they will need to be registered for aftercare in addition to this. To register, please visit the Core Care website which is ccc.ckcs.net.
Absence Protocol
Parents, At PCK, we value good attendance, as well as timeliness. It's very important that your student(s) are at school, and on time, as much as is possible. When your student is absent, please call 303-840-7070, and select the absence line to leave a message. Communication with your student's teacher does not guarantee that the front office will be notified. Therefore, we ask that you call the front office main number, instead. If we do not receive a call, Infinite Campus will begin calling you.
From the Lunch Team
Please visit https://www.wholesomefoodservices.com/ to update your child's grade, from last year to this year. This will help things run much more smoothly in the lunchroom. Also, please send your student with a drink in their lunchbox. The students don't have easy access to a water fountain in the temporary lunchroom.
The Lunch Team very much appreciates your help with this!
Lost and Found
If you have lost a men's jacket with car keys in one pocket, and different keys in the other pocket, please contact Kelly at kamick@ckcs.net or 303-840-7070.
Coed Cross Country
If you are a 6th - 8th grade boy or girl who loves to run, please register to participate in PCK's Fall Coed Cross Country using the attached link. Practices will be Monday and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30, meeting by the Sports Gym. The cost is $160.00 per person. There will NOT be any tryouts. Please register before practice and the cross-country meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, August 22nd. Questions? Please reach out to Coach Rydeen.
PCK School Accountability Committee Interest Survey
The School Accountability Committee at PCK is responsible for understanding the needs of the community and making recommendations to the PCK Operating Council. This year the SAC at PCK will be helping to provide information in many different areas of school culture including safety and security, parent perceptions of the school format, and the upcoming DCSD bond and mill levy.
If you are interested in participating in the PCK School Accountability Committee this year, please fill out the form below. Once I have all of the participants, I will be emailing to set up our first meeting date and time. If you have any questions, please contact Trustin Thompson via email at tthompson@ckcs.net.
Character Corner
We are excited to roll out a new initiative this year to build our school community, integrate character education across content areas, and help our students become service-focused. Each month students will start with an assembly to introduce, define, and explore the character trait for the month. They will then be exposed to the character trait in specials classes and with their homeroom teachers. Finally, students will get the opportunity to participate in a service activity each month focusing on the character trait of the month.
Our younger students will be paired with our older students to complete these activities. We are excited for this opportunity for our older students to grow in their leadership skills and for our younger students to have role models throughout the building. Stay tuned for information, opportunities to support, and pictures of our students participating in these service projects.
For the month of August, our students are learning about and practicing the traits of Respect, Responsibility, and Ready to Participate. Please ask your student what they have learned about their responsibilities in and out of the classroom!
Thank you very much to...
The Dudnick family /A-1 Garage, for dropping off Nothing Bundt Cakes for our staff in our first week of school!
Moms in Prayer - PCK Chapter for the delicious cookies brought in for the staff!
The Brennan Family for the Crumbl cookies. They were fantastic, and the staff loved them!
The PTA for the Champagne and Charcuterie Food Boxes. What an original concept! Our staff enjoyed the treats very much!