PCK Weekly News
May 26, 2022
From Our Director
Dear Parents,
We’ve come to the end of another great school year at PCK! We accomplished much: we renewed our contract with the district, navigated 6 months of “mask on/mask off” directives, and our PTA and Foundation held wonderful events like the Skate City party, Gala, and Teacher Appreciation Week, to name a few.
Our parent community came through the pandemic and has now come together to support the school in big and small ways, all very much appreciated. The fund raising activities yielded an astonishing $250,000 that will go towards the new playground. We are so grateful for our parent community!
Our most important accomplishment is always the education of our children. The PCK children were happy, safe, and made tremendous academic growth. Classroom activities returned this year and were enjoyed by both parents and students. Who didn’t love the Science Fair in 5th grade, or the Mother’s Day event in 1st?
We are now under construction! All bathrooms in the main building and the Events Gym are being updated this summer. The main building will be completely closed but summer school and Core Care Club will be running out of the 5th/6th building.
It is time to enjoy the sun and warm weather! Have a safe and relaxing summer, and don’t forget to encourage your children to complete the Summer Reading Challenge. We will see you back in school in August!
Mrs. Harth
Congratulations, 8th Grade!
On Tuesday, our 8th Grade classes partook in the time-honored tradition of a final walk through the halls of PCK as students. Wednesday, they will graduate, and will hopefully return as visitors someday!
2022/2023 Summer Reading Information
Summer reading is an important and fun way to keep your mind sharp and reduce learning loss over the summer. Because of this, PCK requires summer reading for each grade.
Please see the link below for the 22/23 Summer Reading directions:
Music Program Preview
The PCK Music Teachers have been hard at work planning the
2022-2023 school year, here are some highlights:
4th Grade Recorders: A long-standing PCK tradition and everyone’s favorite!
Recorders can be purchased on the PCK Webstore at the time of Registration or through this link.
5th Grade Ukeleles
PCK provides a set of Concert Size Ukeleles for students to use in class, but students are welcome to bring their own to class!
If you are considering purchasing a Ukelele and would like additional guidance, please email Mrs. Waltz at AWaltz@Gmail.com
4th and 5th Grade After School Musical Fall Production Seussical The Musical Jr.
Oh! The Thinks You Can Think!
The classic characters of Dr. Seuss come together in Seussical the Musical, Jr. bringing with them life lessons for all!
Audition Material, Reference Recordings, and Example Video
Are all posted to The Seussical Jr. Google Classroom: Class Invite Link
Audition sign-ups and dates will be announced through the classroom.
Final Performance November 19th
Grade 6-8 Sping Production: Mary Poppins
“Anything Can Happen If You Let It!”
A modern re-telling of author Pamela Lydon Traver’s
vision with the Disney classic.
Auditions will be held in December for grades 7 & 8
Audition materials will be posted to the Mary Poppins Google Classroom (Class Invite Link) in the coming weeks
The 6th Grade will primarily participate in the robust chorus, but will have a chance to audition for any additional roles once the Middle School casting is completed
Stand Up For Safety
Thank you to Samuel Pakalapati, Richard Downing, and Andy Campbell for being this final week's Safety Dads!
We appreciate all of the dads who have signed up for our Safety Dad volunteer position. Keep your eye out in August for the 2022/2023 sign-up!
Thank You
Thank you to the Chafin family for the delicious breakfast burritos, and to Zaine Rozick for sharing the celebration of his graduation with a beautiful cake.
Thank you to everyone for a wonderful year! We will see you at the Open House in August.