PCK Weekly News
February 24, 2022

Dress Down Day Tomorrow 

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month, so it is a dress down day. Please help your student follow the dress down day dress code.

Your Homework Questions Answered Tonight 

If you have ever wondered why students are assigned homework, how much time your child should spend on homework, what resources are available, and how you can help, you won't want to miss tonight's Parent Education Series session when Johanna Harth and Trustin Thompson shed light on this popular topic. Join us at 6:30pm tonight, February 24, at PCK (there will not be a remote option). Please RSVP here. Parent Education Series sessions are for adults only and childcare is not provided.

Volunteers Needed For Fun Projects

The Foundation at PCK needs volunteers in several capacities as they prepare for the spring Gala. They are looking for help creating some fun items for the auction, so this is a great chance to get your creative juices flowing while helping the school.

Art Volunteers
Each year, every grade level does an art project to be auctioned off at the Gala to raise money. We are in need of 1-3 volunteers per grade to help make this happen. Please contact Niceta Bradburn if you are interested.

Basket Volunteers
Win a Kona Ice party for your child's grade! Volunteer to help coordinate a grade-level basket for the Gala. Each grade has its own theme and, with donations from the class, the volunteer puts together a basket to be auctioned off at the Gala. The basket that gets the highest bid wins a Kona Ice party for the whole grade. If you are interested in helping with baskets, please click here for the the Sign Up Genius

We raise money at the Gala with live and silent auctions, so we are looking for donations of items, services, or experiences. All donations go towards volunteer hours. Please contact Laura Erhuy with questions or to arrange a pick up of your donation. 

Tickets go on sale next Tuesday, March 1. You won't want to miss this fun event at the Colorado Golf Club at 6:00pm on Saturday, April23. The theme is Casino Royale.

Sponsor Spotlight
Thank you Kevin and Marlene Warr from Momentum Athletic Center for being our $750 valet sponsor!

The Warr Family has been a huge part of our PCK community for many years. Their children, Wyatt and Zoe, are both graduates of PCK and now attend Regis. Kevin served on the PCK Board for three years, and Marlene served on the Foundation for eight. Kevin still volunteers his time as the PCK boys basketball coach, as he has since 2018. 

Kevin and Marlene own Momentum Athletic Center, offering gymnastics, cheer, Ninjagility, and more. They would like to thank the PCK community for supporting their local business by offering $5 off a Parents' Night Out/Open Gym on Fridays at their Crossroads location, or $5 off a Preschool Open Gym on Wednesdays at their Progress Way location. Use the promo code PCKCRD22 when making your reservation. Learn more about Momentum Athletic Center here.

"We have had the pleasure of watching so many kids from PCK develop into incredible people and athletes over the years. We are thankful to the entire PCK community for giving our children an incredible academic experience and foundational skills that prepared them for high school and years to come." ~ Kevin and Marlene

Thank you for your generosity, Warr Family!

CMAS Snacks Needed

CMAS testing is coming up right after spring break. In order to make sure our 4th-8th grade students are fueled throughout the day, we're asking parents to bring in testing snacks. Please sign up here.

PTA News

Board Members Needed

It is almost time to elect a new board for the PTA. Please reach out if you are interested in a board position for the next term. Details regarding timing will be discussed at upcoming PTA meetings over the next couple of months. The positions of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary will be open. ​Joining the PCK PTA is a great way to get more involved at school and give back to our amazing PCK community. The PTA meets the second Wednesday of every month; check out a meeting! Please reach out to pckpta@ckcs.net if you have any questions or would like more information.​

Volunteer Opportunity: Storage of Uniform Bins

Looking for an easy way to get your volunteer hours? Consider storing bins of used uniforms for the PTA! All you need is a space to store large bins and a willingness to let a small group of PCK parents meet periodically to sort and organize the uniforms. The family storing the bins can pick a group of friends to sort the clothes, or make new friends through this opportunity. If you are interested, please email the PTA for more details.

We Need Your Photos

Our yearbook needs photos from Valentine's Day, 7th grade candids, and club candids. If you have any photos to share, please upload them to our TreeRing site. Uploading is easy!

If you need additional assistance, please feel free to contact our parent yearbook editor, Sarah Gustashaw at gustashaw@comcast.net or call/text 972-670-8716.

Thank you for sharing your photos!

Got Milk?

Lunch beverage cards are no longer available on MySchoolBucks. Please purchase milk with Wholesome Food Services

If your student has money left on their lunch beverage card, and you have a Wholesome Food Services account, the balance will be transferred to Wholesome Foods. If you do not have a Wholesome Foods account, you will receive an email with additional information. If your student currently owes money for milk, you will receive an invoice through MySchoolBucks. Unfortunately, our emails that remind parents to refill their milk balances have not gone out this year, so many families have not been charged for milk since August.

If you are not already signed up with Wholesome Food Services, please register on their website today. Questions can be directed to milk@ckcs.net.

A Good Planet Is Hard To Find

Come help us celebrate Earth Day! We are looking for a group of volunteers to serve on the Earth Day planning committee. This group will decide how our students recognize the day, and plan activities for Friday, April 22. The time commitment is only about 4 - 6 hours. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact Mrs. Harth.

Great News From The COVID Tracker

Our number of positive COVID cases for the past week is once again zero! Thanks for your help by keeping students home while waiting for test results or when they have any symptoms.

Connecting With Character

Find out more about what your student is learning in Character Coaching using the Home Links below. Grade levels without a Home Link this week have their lesson topic listed so you can ask your student what he/she learned in class.

Kindergarten - Bystander power

First grade - Identifying our feelings - no Home Link

Second grade - Benefits of impulse control - no Home Link

Third grade - Managing anger

Fourth grade - Calming down anger

Stand Up For Safety

Warmer weather will be here before we know it, making some beautiful days to be a Safety Dad! Our students love seeing their dads at school, especially at lunch and recess, so check out the Sign Up Genius and claim your spot today. Many dads sign up for multiple shifts because they enjoying getting a first-hand look at the great things happening at PCK. If you would like to stay for the full day, feel free to sign up for both the morning and afternoon shifts. We would love to have you here!

Thank You!

A HUGE thank you to the Marsh family for bringing our morning carpool workers hot chocolate this morning. The arctic temperatures have been very hard on our staff during carpool, and they truly appreciated this tasty warm up.