PCK Weekly News
January 27, 2022

Dress Down Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month so it is an all-school dress down day. Please remember the dress down day dress code.

Help Us Be A Good Neighbor

We are receiving complaints from our neighbors saying PCK parents are arriving early for afternoon carpool and parking on the side streets off Centerpark Loop. According to the complaints, these cars not only block access roads, but also individual driveways. Additionally, cars trying to enter the carpool line from the side streets interrupt the flow of parents following the system correctly. PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY AND ONLY LINE UP ON CENTERPARK LOOP. Our carpool flows quickly and smoothly when everyone follows the process (and when our parking lot isn't icy - thanks for your patience during Tuesday's storm). When cars are in the wrong place at the wrong time, it backs things up and causes delays for everyone. All of us at PCK, as well as our neighbors, thank you for your help.

Don't Miss Tonight's Parent Education Series Session on Bullying

While our students are learning about bullying prevention this month in character coaching, it is a great time for parents to learn how to tell the difference between bullying and normal peer conflict, as well as strategies to help your student through the ups and downs of friendship. Join us TONIGHT, January 27, at 6:30pm at PCK. This session is led by Dianne Daniels, PCK's character coach. Please RSVP using this form. Parent Education Series sessions are for adults only, and childcare is not provided.

Hungry For A Noodles Spirit Night

Join us for a PCK Spirit Night on Wednesday, February 9 from 4:00 - 8:00pm at the Noodles and Co. at 11153 S. Parker Road. You can also order online using the code GIVING25. Be sure to mention PCK or use the code when you order so the school gets 25% of the proceeds. Click here for more information.

Stand Up For Safety

Our new Safety Dad sign up sheet is here! The new page reflects two shifts per day, making it easier for more dads to help. If you had already signed up for a shift on the previous page, please reselect the day you want on the new sign up sheet. Our students love seeing their dads at school, especially at lunch and recess. Many dads sign up for multiple shifts because they enjoying getting a first-hand look at the great things happening at PCK. Sign up today and join in the fun!

Our Student Art Show Is Back

We greatly missed our annual student art show last year, and are excited to see it return. We need parent volunteers to help hang the art. Not only is this a fun way to get some volunteer hours, but you also get a close-up look at our amazing student artwork. Sign up here.

Also, if you would like to volunteer to help with art in the kindergarten and first grade classes, please sign up using the links below. You can also find these links on the Volunteer page of our website.

Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Zajac, and Miss Pieseski

Mrs. Dow-Peterson

Mrs. Holton

Miss Donovan

Mrs. Miller

Mrs. Pack

Calling All Grown Up Artists

Each year, every grade makes an art piece for the Gala that will be auctioned off. We need one adult volunteer per grade level to coordinate and help make the art piece. Please contact Niceta with the Foundation at Niceta@harrisfamilylaw.com if you are interested.

Good News From The COVID Tracker

Our number of positive COVID cases for the past week has dropped to eight. Thanks for your help by keeping students home while waiting for test results or when they have any symptoms!

See The Fun New Spirit Wear Styles

The Foundation at PCK has a new line of Spirit Wear students can wear on PCKproud Days and on dress down days. Short sleeve tees, long sleeve tees, and hoodies are available. Get the details here. All proceeds go towards PCK's new playground.

Share What You Love About PCK

This is National School Choice Week! We know there are many great options in Douglas County, and we are honored that you chose PCK to educate your child. You can help others make the same choice by leaving a review of the school on the PCK page on Niche.com and/or GreatSchools.org. If you leave a review, please send a quick email with the name and grade of your student(s) to ddaniels@ckcs.net and they will receive a gift from National School Choice Week. Thanks for helping us spread the word about all of the great things happening at PCK!

Connecting With Character

Our kindergarten through 4th grade students are continuing the Bullying Prevention Unit in character coaching class. You can learn more about what students are doing in class and help reinforce skills at home using these Home Links.


First grade
Second grade

Third grade
Fourth grade

Photos Needed For Our Yearbook

Our yearbook is missing photos of some big events in the life of our school. If you have photos of the following activities, please go to www.treering.com or download the TreeRing app.

If you don’t have an account on TreeRing, click the Sign Up button and enter our school’s passcode: 1015343699083637.  Click the Share Your Photos button, then click on Shared Photo Folders and select the folder that matches the content of the photos you are uploading. You can upload from your computer or mobile device. Thanks for sharing your photos!

It Is CMAS Snack Time

CMAS testing is coming up right after spring break. In order to make sure our 3rd-8th grade students are fueled throughout the day, we're asking parents to bring in testing snacks. Please sign up using the appropriate link below.

3rd grade sign-up link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044AADAF23A1F85-cmas2

4-8th grade sign-up:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044AADAF23A1F85-cmas3

A Friendly Reminder To Our Volunteers 

We are thrilled to have volunteers back in the building, and are enjoying seeing all of the parent faces we missed last year. However, as we reconnect, we all need to remember that sound carries through our halls and walls. Recently teachers have reported being able to hear parents talking in the hallway (either to one another or on the phone) and it is disrupting class. Additionally, please remember to find childcare for younger siblings rather than bringing them with you when you volunteer. Thank you for your help!