PCK Weekly News
November 18, 2021

Dress Down Day Tomorrow

Since tomorrow is the last Friday in November that we have school, it is a dress down day. Please help your child follow the dress down day dress code.

Rise And Shine

While we know it can feel early, please remember that morning carpool ends at 7:55am. All students need to be in the building no later than 7:55 so they can unpack their backpacks, get their supplies, and be in their seats by 8:00am. We understand morning carpool can get backed up, so please try to arrive early to allow for this possibility. Also, as long as you are in the unloading area, students may get out of the car themselves (if they are able) and do not need to wait for a carpool worker to open the door unless they need assistance. Students arriving after 7:55 need to enter through the main entrance to the school, and those arriving after 8:00 must be signed in at the front desk by a parent.

Reminders From The Lunch Room

When sending a lunch from home, please remember to pack a fork and/or spoon if needed. Our lunch room does not supply utensils for sack lunches. Students ordering hot lunch will have the appropriate utensils provided with the lunch.

Also, please remember that soda is not allowed in the elementary lunch room. If you bring your student lunch from a fast food restaurant, please opt for a milk or juice rather than a soda. Thanks for your help with this!

Butter Braid Orders Go Home Today

Check your child's backpack if you ordered Butter Braids. All orders are going home today and need to be stored in the freezer.  If you have a large order (more than 6 items for students in grades K - 2 or more than 12 items for grades 3 - 8) or if your student is absent today, please pick up your order from 2:30 - 2:45 at the main entrance to the school. Enjoy your treats!


Our PTA will treat Miss Donovan's first grade class to a Kona Ice Party for having the most orders.


The three individual students with the most orders are:

1st place: Oliver S., Miss Donovan's class

2nd place: Zach M., Miss Schwartz's class

3rd place: Elliot C., 7th  grade

Square 1 Art Orders Are Due Monday

Grandparents love receiving gifts of art, and Square 1 Art makes it easy to turn your student's creation into a useable keepsake. All orders are due Monday, November 22. Contact Mrs. Barker with any questions.

Don't Forget To Send An Extra Mask

We are almost out of the kind of masks our students like wearing when they forget to bring one from home (or they lose or break the one from home). Please make sure your student wears a mask from home and also brings a spare one.

From The Foundation at PCK 

It's that time of year again - the Annual Giving Campaign is off and running! This year, the Foundation's main goal is to fund our playground project. The playground is 20 years old and needs some serious TLC. All funds raised through the annual giving campaign will go towards the new and improved playground. 

Please consider donating at Annual Giving Campaign 2021 | The Foundation at PCK (Powered by Donorbox) or by texting "PCKGIVING" to 801801. Follow the prompts to make your donation. The Foundation at PCK is a 501(c)(3) and many employers will match donations. Every little bits helps!

Don't Miss This Month's Cougar Cast

Learn about the character trait of dependability, Einstein rings, Betelgeuse, and radioactive material in this month's episode of Cougar Cast. Our students are doing an amazing job with these productions!

Do You Need Child Care During Dibels Testing?

On Monday, December 6 and Tuesday, December 7, our kindergarten through 2nd grade students don't have class, and will only come to school for their scheduled Dibels testing. If you need child care on these days, our Core Care Club may be able to help. They are currently finding out if there is interest in full-day care for these students, so please submit this form if you are interested.

Also, please note there is no Core Care Club November 24 - 26, or over winter break.

Fun With The PTA

Cookie Extravaganza

In order to help our amazing PCK staff celebrate the holidays, the PTA is inviting families to donate holiday cookies! The staff will celebrate with a Cookie Extravaganza on December 14. Click here to get the details and sign up. Thanks for making the season merry and bright for our staff! 

Winter Mart

The PCK Winter Mart will be back this year from December 7 - 14! This is a safe, happy, budget-friendly opportunity for our students to shop for any gift needs they have this winter season. Students get to choose their own special gifts for family and friends, with volunteers available to help students find that perfect gift based on their budget. A large variety of gifts, ranging in price from $0.25 - $13.50, will be available. Students learn how to budget their money and make their own decisions. Each class will come to the market during their library time. 

We do not want any students to be unable to participate, so the PTA is happy to offer a voucher to any student in financial need. Please click here to register your child for a voucher by December 2. 

Transforming the PCK library into a wonderful holiday mart for our students will take many hands and we could use your help. We will be setting up at noon on Sunday, December 5th. Please sign up here to help with set up. Watch for a sign up coming soon to help at the Winter Mart event. Many hands make light work!

Stand Up For Safety

Thank you to Tony Le, Jonathan Thiessen, and Lokesh Thakkalapatti for being our Safety Dads this week. We truly appreciate the time you spent with us keeping our perimeter secure, helping with lunch and recess, and assisting with other activities as needed. Click here to learn more about being a Safety Dad or to sign up.

Make Dinner Time More Fun

Try these creative ideas from Screenagers for making family dinners more fun. If you find an idea you like, you could even use it on Thanksgiving!

Thank You

Thank you to the Beck family for bringing fun holiday treats for our staff. You are the best!

Happy Thanksgiving

Since we won't have a newsletter next week, allow us to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. All of us here at PCK are thankful for the wonderful students and families who make our school so special. Thank you for all you do!